Woynaroski Lab: Biobehavioral Approaches in NeuroDevelopment (BAND)
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Learn About Our Ongoing Research!

Sensory Project in Infant/Toddler Siblings of Children with Autism (SPIS)
Dr. Tiffany Woynaroski's R21 from NIDCD is longitudinally following infants who have a typically developing older sibling or an older sibling with autism spectrum disorder. The main goal of this project is to explore the extent to which early sensory responsivity predicts later language and social communication ability.

Understanding the Neuroscience of Sound Sensitivity Disorders (Hyperacusis and Misophonia)
Supported by grants from the NIH and Misophonia Research Fund, this research project aims to understand the reasons why some adults on the autism spectrum are more sensitive to sound than others, the different kinds of sound sensitivities seen in autistic people, and the specific ways in which autistic and non-autistic people’s brains process different kinds of sounds. We are recruiting autistic and non-autistic adults between the ages of 18 and 60 (both with and without sound sensitivity) to participate in this study. The study is in-person and includes hearing testing, psychological testing, and brainwave recordings (EEG) while participants listen to different sounds.

Genetic Basis of Sensory Differences in Families Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder
Dr. Woynaroski is partnering with the Simons Foundation and their SPARK Project to advance our understanding of the genetic basis of sensory differences in autism spectrum disorder. If you sign up to participate in the SPARK database, you may be asked to participate in our study!

Sensory and Multisensory Contributions to Autism
Funded by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center's U54 grant, this research project aims to characterize sensory and multisensory differences and the associated brain networks in children and young adults with autism spectrum disorder aged 8-21. We're also working to develop novel sensory-based interventions.

Temporal Facilitation of Audiovisual Speech Processing (TalkASD)
Dr. Woynaroski's recently concluded KL2 award from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences examined whether neural measures of multisensory processing map onto spoken language ability in younger children with autism spectrum disorder.